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日期:2024-09-19 18:55
摘要:關(guān)鍵詞:Qorpak代理,對順鉑耐藥代理耐藥亞株,對順鉑耐藥代理 簡介:我公司國內(nèi)總代理Qorpak代理,對順鉑耐藥代理耐藥亞株,對順鉑耐藥代理,華東地區(qū)代理Qorpak代理,對順鉑耐藥代理耐藥亞株,對順鉑耐藥代理專業(yè)經(jīng)營進(jìn)口胎牛血清、細(xì)胞因子、ELISA試劑盒、細(xì)胞、抗體、生物試劑、耗材、培養(yǎng)基、一抗、二抗、其產(chǎn)品吸附均勻,吸附性好,空白值低,孔底透明度高,代做ELISA實(shí)驗(yàn)等。 國內(nèi)總代理Qorpak代理,對順鉑耐藥代理耐藥亞株,對順鉑耐藥代理,華東地區(qū)代理Qorpak代理,對順鉑耐藥代理耐藥亞株,對順鉑耐藥代理產(chǎn)品涉及分子生物學(xué)、...
品牌 貨號 品名
aaltobioreagents AU 3206 CA 125, low cross reactivity (PP)
aaltobioreagents AU 3214 Carcinoembryonic Antigen (PP)
aaltobioreagents AU 3221 Carcinoembryonic Antigen (HP)
aaltobioreagents AR 3188 Ferritin, liver (HP)
aaltobioreagents AJ 3051 Prostate Specific Antigen (PP)
aaltobioreagents AJ 3036 Prostate Specific Antigen (HP)
aaltobioreagents BE 1111 hCG + b subunit
aaltobioreagents BE 1112 b- hCG free
aaltobioreagents BE 1097 Estriol free
aaltobioreagents BE 1081 FSH
aaltobioreagents AB 1162 hGH
aaltobioreagents BE 1114 Insulin
aaltobioreagents BE 1115 LH
aaltobioreagents AB 1154 h Placental Growth Hormone
aaltobioreagents AB 1116 Prolactin
aaltobioreagents BO 1221 Sex Hormone Binding Globulin
aaltobioreagents BO 1219 Sex Hormone Binding Globulin
aaltobioreagents BO 1070 Testosterone
aaltobioreagents BF 1092 TSH       
aaltobioreagents BF 1210 C Reactive Protein (CRP)
aaltobioreagents BF 1121 Fatty Acid Binding Protein
aaltobioreagents BF 1011 Kappa Light Chain, Free
aaltobioreagents BF 1010 Lambda Light Chain, Free
aaltobioreagents BF 1101 Myoglobin
aaltobioreagents BF 1074 Neuron Specific Enolase
aaltobioreagents BF 1094 Thyroid Peroxidase
aaltobioreagents BF 1105 Transferrin Receptor
aaltobioreagents BF 1107 Troponin C, ex heart
aaltobioreagents BF 1078 Troponin I, ex heart
aaltobioreagents BF 1075 Troponin T, ex heart
aaltobioreagents AH 1099 CagA Protein of H. pylori
aaltobioreagents BF 1197 Avian Influenza A, Haemagglutinin H5
aaltobioreagents BC 1071 HIV-1-p24
aaltobioreagents BC 1071-AP HIV-1-p24 alk. phos. conjugate
aaltobioreagents BC 1071-BIOT HIV-1-p24 biotinylated conjugate
aaltobioreagents BF 1161 Influenza Virus Type A
aaltobioreagents BF 1157 Influenza Virus Type B
aaltobioreagents BF 1215 Legionella pneumophila LPS
aaltobioreagents BF 1171 Salmonella O -  Antigens
aaltobioreagents BO 1199 SARS Spike Regions
aaltobioreagents BO 1202 SARS Nucleoprotein
aaltobioreagents BE 1117 AFP
aaltobioreagents BE 1118 CEA
aaltobioreagents BE 1119 Calcitonin
aaltobioreagents BE 1120 Osteocalcin
aaltobioreagents BF 1205 Campylobacter jejuni
aaltobioreagents BF 1180 Listeria monocytogenes
aaltobioreagents BF 1171 Salmonella O (A, B, D group specific)
aaltobioreagents BC 1071 * anti-HIV-1-p24, raised against HIV-1 (CBL-1) isolate, code 
aaltobioreagents BC 1071-AP * anti-HIV-1-p24, alkaline phosphatase conjugate, code 
aaltobioreagents BC 1071-BIOT * anti-HIV-1-p24, biotinylated conjugate, code 
aaltobioreagents D7320 * anti-HIV-1-p24, affinity purified, 
aaltobioreagents D7324 * anti-HIV-1-gp120, affinity purified, 
aaltobioreagents AG 6054 * HIV-1-p24 recombinant antigen, 
aaltobioreagents BR 6106-b * HIV-1-gp120 recombinant antigen, code 
aaltobioreagents K6200 AMPAK enzyme cycling system, code 
aaltobioreagents SP001 - SP005 First time users can avail of 10% discount, codes 
aaltobioreagents AG 6054 HIV-1-p24 recombinant antigen
aaltobioreagents BR6106-b HIV-1-gp120 recombinant antigen
aaltobioreagents K6200 AMPAK enzyme cycling system, code 
aaltobioreagents AG 6054 * HIV-1-p24 recombinant antigen, code 
aaltobioreagents BR 6106-b * HIV-1-gp120 recombinant antigen, code 
aaltobioreagents code D7320 * anti-HIV-1-p24, affinity purified, 
aaltobioreagents D7324 * anti-HIV-1-gp120, affinity purified, code 
aaltobioreagents BC 1071 * anti-HIV-1-p24, raised against HIV-1 (CBL-1) isolate, code 
aaltobioreagents BC 1071-AP * anti-HIV-1-p24, alkaline phosphatase conjugate, code 
aaltobioreagents BC 1071-BIOT * anti-HIV-1-p24, biotinylated conjugate, code 
下一篇: Physitemp代理
上一篇: QAbio代理
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